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Programming Coding Standard

This heading details about the coding standard conventions that has to be followed for a website / web application development. This is documented with reference PHP/ASP.NET/JSP/Silverlight/HTML and all different databases.

1) Website Folder Structure Guidelines:
All the code for a website will be organized well in folders.
All Images will be placed in a folder named ‘IMG’.
All CSS Files will be placed in a folder named ‘CSS’.
All File names will be named meaningfully.
All JavaScript Files will be placed in a folder named ‘JS’.
There will not be any JavaScript in the layout page unless otherwise it is absolutely necessary.
There will not be any inline styles used for the HTML Elements unless otherwise it is absolutely necessary.

2) Coding Guidelines:
All variable names, control names and CSS class names will be named meaningfully and in camel conventions.
Eg: counterVariable, printCounter, collegeName, studentHomeAddress etc

All HTML controls will be named with the prefix as given below.
–> TextBox: txt
Eg: txtFirstName
–> Plain Button: pb
Eg: pbSignup and so on
–> Submit Button:sb
–> Reset Button:rb
–> Dropdownlist:ddl
–> Checkbox:chk
–> TextArea:ta
–> RadioButton:rad
–> File Upload:fl
–> Hidden Field:hen
–> Label:lbl
–> Division:div
–> Table: tb

All variables controls will be named with the prefix as given below indicating their datatype
–> Integer:n
Eg: nCounter
–> String: s
Eg: sFirstName
And so on
–> Boolean: b
–> Long:ln
–> Short: sn
–> Float:f
–> Char:c
–> Object:obj

–> All class names, property names etc will be named meaningfully in Pascal convention i.e. class Employee, property FirstName

3) Database Standards:
All database objects will be named meaningfully and in ALL CAPS format.
Column Name: FIRST_NAME
All tables will have a column named ‘DTE_CREATED’ which stores the timestamp of the record inserted.
In all tables where tracking the updating of the record is necessary the timestamp at which the record was updated should be stored in the column named ‘DTE_UPDATED’

Manpower MIS Software

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